We’re excited to celebrate with friends, staff and students this year!! Which of these is your reason for attending?

  1. You’re a friend of the ministry and want to celebrate all God is doing in the lives of men and women who have been freed from addiction. — We can’t wait to see you there!
  2. You want to use this occasion to introduce others to the ministry. —Thank you so much!!
  3. You want an opportunity to connect with students in the ministry to encourage them. — Our students and many of our graduates will be with us!
  4. You love to hear student and graduate testimonies. —We love sharing them!
  5. You love Tabi Upton, our Emcee, as much as we do. — Be sure to attend the 5:30 reception to see Tabi!
  6. You love Natural State and can’t wait to hear their new music! —Us too! Be sure to make plans now to visit their merch table after the program!
  7. You are a fan of Brant Hansen’s and want to hear him speak….and possibly play the accordion. —Or the flute, or percussion instruments, or pull out the puppets, or …
  8. You or someone you love is held captive in addiction and this is a good way to learn more about the program. — We’d love to talk with you. There is freedom from addiction.