
Gambling addiction is a continual urges to gamble despite the negative consequences it will have towards an individual or their loved ones.  Gambling addicts will spend their time, thoughts, and money on gambling, whether it is at a casino, online, or scratch tickets.  While some people may be able to gamble in moderation, a gambling addict will not be able to control their actions; they are unable reduce or stop their gambling behavior.

A Success Story

“One day I found myself looking into a mirror trying to figure out what I had done to my life. I was out of control, and didn’t know how to stop. I was involved in an illegal gambling ring in Houston. I was staying in a hotel room, running from the cops, doing drugs, drinking, chasing women, and gambling at the highest limits possible. I hadn’t been home to my wife and child in months and hadn’t spoken to my parents in over a year. I had isolated everyone out of my life that had any true meaning to me.

“I eventually turned myself in and was serving time when I found out my wife had committed suicide. When I got out I was a single father. I moved thinking a new location would help me change my life, but it didn’t. I kept filling the void with more alcohol, drugs and gambling. I didn’t want my son to without a parent, I was planning an accident to take both our lives, when a friend called to ask what trouble I was in and to tell me about Teen Challenge. They kept my son while I went through the program.

“Instead of raising my son to be a great poker player and teaching him how to gamble, he is in Christian school and learning Bible verses!”

Faith & Recovery

“For the first time, over half of Americans think that faith can’t answer society’s problems.  But studies show just the opposite.”

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