Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1 (NIV, 1984)
When asked about the meaning of Christian faith, it’s always a pretty safe practice to refer someone to this verse in Hebrews. As well we should, because this verse, combined with those which follow, provide the Biblical context of what faith is through the lives of those who lived it. However, if you consider the concept of those words OUTSIDE the confines of Scripture (as many do), you can arrive at a “truth” that is little more than wishful thinking sprinkled with a touch of religiosity.
What “we hope for” and the ability to believe in “what we do not see” must come from our relationship with Jesus Christ as our Lord, Savior, and ultimate source of hope and direction for every aspect of our lives. Our current spiritual condition should never cloud our certainty of our eternity in heaven. Neither should our present circumstances diminish our trust that God is with us in the midst of our troubles. Why? Because we do not place our faith in our own faith, but in the One upon whom our faith is focused.
There are moments when God’s plan transcends “what we hope for” and His purposes for us far exceed our own dreams. True faith allows us to embrace the disappointments of life in full knowledge that God ALWAYS sees further and knows better what will ultimately bring Him glory in our lives. In common terms, God still has our back even though everything in front of us says He doesn’t. This is the foundation of a faith that never falters!