But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:14-15 (NIV, 1978)
“Devotion” is actually a strong word that reflects the level of commitment that we show toward something. These “devotions” are written out of a personal commitment I have to the Bible and ultimately to God Himself in hopes that they might bless you in your devotion to Him as well. Some of them are more personal because they reflect the impact that God’s presence has had on my life. Others are mere observations I have made regarding how Scripture can intersect our lives in powerful ways. In either case, God’s word is intended to “leave a mark” on all of us.
I just read about the recent episode of the game show, Jeopardy, where all three contestants were left silent by the answer, “Matthew 6:9 says, Our Father which art in heaven”, this “be thy name.” The correct question was, “What is hallowed?” Even the Biblically illiterate have frequently heard “The Lord’s Prayer” in the movies and media. Athletes join hands and repeat it before taking the field. It’s like “Amazing Grace” for crying out loud—everyone sings it without any concept of what it truly means!
If we consider some recent statistics, the brain fog of the Jeopardy contestants, who are typically of above average intelligence, may be less shocking. At least 87% of American households own at least ONE Bible, yet less than 6% of Americans hold what could be described as a “Biblical worldview.” Barack Obama once declared that “America is no longer a Christian nation.” I get that. America has steadily declined from its historical devotion to God. But when those who still have some reverence for the Bible possess no practical knowledge of its content, we have truly come to a sad place—and our society reflects it.
In the verses above, Paul admonishes Timothy to never neglect or minimize the legacy of faith that established his character, hope, and purpose. Similarly, I wonder if a nation who forgets the “hallowedness” of God’s name should reasonably expect any measure of His continued blessing upon it?