All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalms 139:16 (NIV, 1978)
I can remember as a child watching a show hosted by Ralph Edwards where he would approach some manner of famous person by introducing himself and presenting a large, ornate book to the celebrity and declaring, “This is your life!” After the presentation, they would both be whisked away to the studio where an audience was awaiting them. When they arrived, Edwards would read from the book about various highlights of the individual’s life and bring out guests who had been instrumental in impacting his or her life in meaningful ways. The reunions and memories were always emotional, and the honoree always walked away grateful for the recognition for the life they had lived and the lives they had touched.
It is not likely that Edwards based the show on David’s writing in Psalm 139, but he could have. This Psalm is most commonly referenced for its declaration of God’s knowledge and creation of the unborn as well as for his care of those He loves for all of their days. It is particularly interesting that David further acknowledges that God has determined the number, length, and content of all the days of his life.
I can’t remember how old I was before I fully understood that concept of “not knowing what the next day may hold.” However, it was a very good day when, as a child of God, I came realize that nothing can happen to me that has not been filtered through my Father’s perfect will. As surely as all our days will not necessarily be good days, we can live them knowing that God is using them—good and bad—to create in us lives that will make an eternal difference to those who watch how we live them.